Having your say on council

CRAIGAVON Borough council has negotiated a rates rise of just under two per cent for the year, one of the lowest in the province.

In light of this news the ‘MAIL’ took to the highways and by-ways of Lurgan to see if the people in the town considered the council to be value for money.The first person to vent their spleen was Harry Collins: “They don’t do much for me. I’m a senior citizen and am entitled to a rebate but I haven’t got a penny yet. They’d take it off you a lot quicker than they’d give it back to you.”

John McKenna said: “I think the council is dead-on in terms of value for money. There has to be a bit of come and go with them.”

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Rachel Allen felt the council had to do better: “If you look around the town they could do a bit more in every department, especially street cleaning, given the increase in rates. The town needs brightening up.”

Another to give the ‘MAIL’ their view was Hugh Campbell: "I’d say the council is fairly good value. They do need to attract more businesses into the town. Other towns get businesses and we get wider footpaths.”

Phyllis Murphy felt more needed to be done for retailers: “The council’s not bad but they should encourage more shops into the town. The town’s away to the dogs. I blame Tesco and Rushmere shopping centre.”

One lady ducking the camera was Margaret Girvan: “I think they’re fairly good value. The increase in rates is satisfactory.”

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Meanwhile Ernie Harrison said: “Compared to other councils I’d say it’s good value. They could do a lot more with street cleaning though and dog fouling is a problem.”

Cathy McStravick was fairly satisfied: “I think the council is relatively good value for money. Some of the streets need cleaned though. The council facilities are very good, such as Tannaghmore Gardens and the swimming pool.

"The play park in Lurgan park is quite dangerous though. My son fell through a hole in the ropes of one of the climbing frames.”