Art project at Ballydougan

AN exhibition was held at Ballydougan Pottery recently to celebrate the work of 39 participants who attended a series of 16 week Creative Ceramic Workshops.

The programme was aimed at Adults with a Learning Disability from across the Southern Health and Social Care Trust area.

Each of the three groups facilitated 10-12 clients accompanied by a Daytime Opportunities staff member from the Southern Health and Social Care Trust. Along with a potter, each group developed a project based on a theme of their choice.

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In the workshops, participants experimented with different mediums of creative expression such as drawing, painting, and ultimately clay. As well as experimenting with these different art forms, the project also gave participants an introduction to independent travel and training and promoted social inclusion.

Sean O’Dowd, owner of Ballydougan Pottery said: “The project has been a learning experience for both myself and my staff, as well as the clients involved.”