40 Years AgoJanuary 15, 1975

Priest’s Comments Outrageous: January 15, 1975: Mrs Sheila McConn, a Unionist Assembly member for Londonderry, said on Thursday that it was “outrageous that the article by Rev. Denis Faul in the press attacking the RUC had not been repudiated by the British Government. “This article accuses the RUC of hundreds of crimes against Catholics and of carrying out discrimination against thousands of Catholics,” said Mrs McConn.

‘Leaders Warned’ Ross: January 15, 1975: Mr William Ross, MP for Londonderry, told North West Unionists at their annual meeting in Londonderry on Thursday: “We have still a hard time ahead but, by our united efforts, we shall succeed in restoring democracy at all levels in our province.” Mr Ross said that a year ago they had Sunningdale, where the leaders of their party at the time allowed themselves to be bullied into a settlement.

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