Deadline for road safety grant applications is approaching

Up TO £140,000 of DOE Road Safety Grants are still available for community groups but the deadline for applications is approaching.

The Community Transport Association (CTA) is inviting applications for the grants from the voluntary and community sector. Individuals and groups can apply for grants of up to £15,000 to develop and run locally developed road safety projects.

To qualify, groups must be properly constituted, have a bank account and be able to complete the project by March 2013. To help you, CTA has a number of grant officers who can discuss your road safety project proposal and give you guidance on completing the application form.

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Bryan Myles, CTA Grant Manager said: “This is an excellent opportunity for community, special interest groups and individuals to get some extra funding for the benefit of the whole community. The grants will provide the finance to run projects that will help to reduce the number of collisions and make our roads safer places for everyone. If you have a road safety concern and an idea on how to reduce the risk then this funding programme may be able to make your idea become a reality.”

Environment Minister Alex Attwood said: “The Department recognises what a valuable part the voluntary and community sector play in working to make our roads a safer place. This is why the DOE has for many years supported local road safety initiatives in an effort to address specific road safety problems within local communities.

“Although road deaths are as low as they have ever been, I will not dwell on these achievements. One life lost is still one life too many. There is a greater success to be had - that of zero road deaths. The efforts of the community and individuals will surely help in bringing us closer to this goal.”